Jan 18Liked by Daniel Joseph Petty

It is never really truly acknowledged the damage that the conditions we live under does to all of us.

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That was wonderful! You gave me something to DO! I'm going to encourage the good behavior I see about the place :)

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So glad you found this helpful and useful! And thank you reading and sharing!

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Jan 18Liked by Daniel Joseph Petty

There is a non-Christian book called “The Myth of Normal”. Bottom line of a big book: humans are wired to flourish in healthy nurturing relationships within a supportive community. But you said it better

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Thank you!!

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Jan 18Liked by Daniel Joseph Petty

What a timely read for me! My friend is a pilot and he invited me on a sunrise plane ride this morning. We spent about an hour in the air, getting up to 7500 feet, flying over the countryside surrounding our city. It was simultaneously sublime and disheartening because I had a bird's eye view of both the earth's beauty and that ugly thing we call civilization. Even the rural areas have bastardized what was once virgin prairie. The "family farms" are all at the mercy of Big Ag and what was once a noble, if humble, profession is now concerned solely with output and income.

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What a thing to experience. Now that you say it, I guess I witness this kind of thing every day. I like in a rural area which is beautiful. Yet every day for work I drive to a city where quite frankly there is nothing beautiful. Well there are some old churches that are beautiful and the river than runs through the city. But for the most part part it’s a dark, concrete jungle.

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Jan 18Liked by Daniel Joseph Petty

Good rundown of our fallen world, Daniel. Almost the whole book of Jude is dedicated to this very thing, except when he gets to verse 20 and beyond, in which he challenges believers to do everything possible to wake folk up before it’s too late. Appreciate the passion you put into this, my friend.

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Bravo Daniel! The Truth, the Light of Christ of course, is the only thing that will trying set us free!

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Jan 19Liked by Daniel Joseph Petty

Beautiful, Daniel. There is so much insidious rot set in, that it can often times feel almost hopeless! But this is a wonderful reminder to embrace proactive joy & encouragement, not just get satiated in a state of reactivity all the time.

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Thank you, Kristin! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I hope it encouraged you and helps you encourage others!

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Jan 19Liked by Daniel Joseph Petty

This was really, really great. I told my husband about the driving anecdote, about everyone being on their phones!!

I love how you teased out the different types of Bastardized Beauty (more writing on this term, please!) That's a helpful lense to see much of the world's ill through, but also that we can partner with God in the world of redeeming and restoring what's been lost, what's been twisted and tarnished. Even in small ways!

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Thank you so much, Haley!! Just out of curiosity, has your husband noticed the same thing? Have you noticed that about people when they drive? It’s horrifying!!

Thank you for your request for more writing on that term. I’ll make note of that and maybe it will make an appearance in the future! I’m also glad I was able to give ideas for small ways we can participate in God’s redeeming work. It’s amazing how writing this all out helped me get going in that. Yesterday on my way home I ran by Sam’s Club and was intentional about looking for people I could help or encourage. Oddly enough I did’t come across any mothers with wild children. But I did see a guy wearing a really nice suit and made sure to give kudos for looking sharp.

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Jan 19Liked by Daniel Joseph Petty

This was powerful and uplifting. Thank you.

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"For years now Christians in America have been exceedingly loud in pointing out the flaws in our society. This is understandable and not without reason, but I believe it’s time we work on becoming known for our love and encouragement..." Agreed Daniel! I've noticed a trend...the most holy people I know are also the most gentle, encouraging people I know.

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